Three simple yet IMPACTFUL ways to change how you feel...

Today,  I’m sharing some simple and impactful advice that will change how you feel and improve your health and well-being tenfold! 

Not only are these tips for everyday wellness, but they are also tools for days when life is challenging as f*ck!

The guidance is a love note to you and the same advice I give myself daily.

You are the foundation of your life. These simple steps will support but also sustain your health and well-being...

1. Shut your mouth! (...said with love)

While it might feel like you’re getting more air by breathing through your mouth, your nose was specifically designed for breathing, and here’s why…

Your nose filters the air you breathe (this is what your nasal hairs are for), making it the perfect temperature and condition for your lungs. 

The lining tissue within your nose releases a chemical called nitric oxide that increases arterial oxygen tension and reduces pulmonary vascular resistance, increasing oxygen absorption by nearly 20%!

Side note: Add humming into your daily practice and you'll produce even more nitric oxide! (For more on this dive into my favourite geek read, Breathe by James Nestor)

2. Slow it down.

When you allow yourself to breathe more slowly, using your diaphragm, you take fuller, more POWERFUL breaths and allow your body (including your brain) to function more efficiently. ⠀

The diaphragm is the muscle under your ribs which descends downwards to your belly, allowing your ribcage to expand, and creating space for your lungs to fill up! 

When the diaphragm releases, it relaxes upwards back under the ribs pushing the air out of your lungs, and this creates your exhale!

The truth is the average person uses only 10% of the range of movement the diaphragm is capable of. 

We aren’t breathing properly!

Try this...

Place your hands at the sides of your ribs, cupping your rib cage on each side with your elbows pointing outwards. 

Begin by breathing slowly and notice your ribs expanding outwards into your palms.

For a few moments, focus on your breathing without too much effort or force.

Next, explore this breathing pattern, keeping your breath slow, deep and intentional. 

Breathe in for the count of 4 and out for the count of 4.

Keep it steady and rhythmic. 

Practising conscious awareness of your breath in this way for as little as 5 minutes through the day will increase your well-being tenfold!

Don’t believe me? 

Get curious and try it twice a day for 3-5 minutes each time for one week.

3. Chill out, breathe out.

When feeling stressed out, overwhelmed or in doubt, breathe it out!

Your exhale is your body's natural “off” switch.

We breathe in and out naturally, all day every day, and if everything is good, that natural cycle is harmonising the inner workings of your nervous system, and your body is functionally to its optimum level.

Today what I want to invite you to do is…

Notice when your mood or stress levels shift.

What happens to your breath? 

Notice how you are breathing when you are stressed, frustrated or feeling overwhelmed.

Now, focus all your attention on your exhale and make it longer, slow it down, or sigh it out.

Explore breathing in for the count of 4 (remember you can slow it down to 3 if you need to) and extend your exhale for the count of 6. 

Take your time and find your calm.

These are three simple yet IMPACTFUL ways that will not only change how you breathe but also help to change how you FEEL today.

I hope this was helpful!

Big love,
Becki x

P.S. If you're looking for guidance and nurturing support for your body to improve your mindset, physical and emotional health and well-being, let's chat because I have space to support you. 

I offer single one-to-one sessions or packages to fit your budget and lifestyle. x


The two most important things to focus on if you want to stick to healthy habits this year.


True or false? You are the foundation of your life…