The two most important things to focus on if you want to stick to healthy habits this year.

How are you feeling in body and mind as we move into the new year?

How are you feeling about the month ahead?

You might be thinking about starting something new, planning for a change or gearing yourself up to get back into a habit you slipped out of…

I’m not one for New Year's Resolutions, instead, I tune into how I want to feel and the person I want to be, and I use those intentions as stepping stones to guide me towards my aspirations and dreams.

That said, I still have goals. Big ones and less daunting ones. I choose a softer approach to goal-setting these days.

I tend to stick to things better when there is a nurturing and compassionate awareness around them. After all, I am only human, and there could be some wobbles along the way this year.

Today, I'm sharing TWO of the most important things you can do to form and stick to new habits and honour your intentions…

This is how we achieve our goals and create the change we wish to see in our life and lifestyle.


Drumroll please… 🥁🥁🥁

Numero uno is…

  1. Reduce your stress levels

No eye rolls please, there’s more…

Magic ingredient number two is…

2. Get good quality sleep.


That’s it. Simple right? More like, yeah right!

These solutions might be your biggest challenges right now.

Life is stressful.

I want you to understand why reducing your stress levels and getting better quality sleep is so beneficial for creating healthy habits. I also want to share how you can support yourself and embrace both those things...

Why sleep?

A little fact for you:

Sleep deprivation (lack of sleep for one night or more) increases brain reactivity.

This means you’re more likely to react, rather than respond to people and what is happening around you.

Reacting means you act on instinct in an instant rather than assessing and considering your present situation.

When you’re overtired and lacking good sleep, your body relies on the primitive part of your brain rather than the prefrontal cortex responsible for logical thinking. This means you’ll be less able to make good decisions and stay focused, less quick to respond, memorise things and manage your emotions and mood.

When you’re well-rested and have been sleeping well, you think more clearly and rationally and respond from a headspace of presence, empathy, and compassion.

Your bedtime routine, habits, and how you ‘put the day to bed’ are so influential on your sleep patterns, so this is always the first place to start.

When it comes to sleep there’s a whole book I could write on the topic but let’s start with simple practical steps to a better night’s sleep…


The how part…

Take a little look at your bedtime routine...

Does it encourage a restfull night’s sleep or are you going to bed late watching TV or scrolling on your phone? Maybe you’re eating late and going to bed feeling full or waking up for the loo in the night? Are there things on your mind causing you to wake up through the night?

What small change can you make to your bedtime routine to help yourself get into a calm, restful state of mind so you can enjoy 7-8 blissful hours of sleep and restoration?

Start small.

What one change can you make to your bedtime routine that will encourage better quality sleep?

What are the activities and things that help you feel calmer, and how can you do them more often?

How to reduce stress and regulate your nervous system

So, how do you begin to feel calmer, less stressed, and start getting a better night’s sleep?

Think about the things that make you feel good, these will also be the things that help you feel calm and centered…

You might go for a run to clear your head or do a workout or yoga to energise your body in the morning.

You might like to slip mindful practices into your day around your to-do list.

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, to be aware of where you are and what you're doing, and not be overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around you.

If this all feels like a stretch, I’ve got you!


The how part…

There are various mindful techniques to learn to be more self-aware and help you respond to life’s ups and downs with more self-compassion and shift to a more positive and supportive frame of mind.

Some of the simplest practices of mindfulness or poses in yoga can be the most supportive for your mind-body.

Mindfulness or body-mindful movement can help cultivate a positive frame of mind and regulate your nervous system so you’ll be less stressed and become healthier.

Reading a book in bed or the bath at the end of a long day might soothe your aching body and calm your thoughts.

Creating a calming environment and thinking about soothing experiences will help your body decompress and come out of survival or stress mode into rest and repair mode. This is super important my friend!


In a nutshell, whatever makes you feel good and helps you feel calm, do more of it!

When you’re stressed or lacking sleep you have less patience, compassion, and focus. You might be more irritable and be less able to concentrate. You’ll undoubtedly have less energy meaning you’ll be less productive or things will take you longer to do.

When you feel calm and centered and have had a good night’s sleep you’re more likely to be in a good mood. You’ll have more compassion and interest in things and people around you. You’ll feel motivated and inspired, and better able to concentrate on what you are doing.

So, my friend, you can see why feeling less stressed and getting a good night’s sleep are the two most important things to focus on if you want to stick to healthy habits and your intentions.

I invite you to embrace patience, curiosity, and compassion as you move into the month.

If this email resonates with you and you want more, specifically more rest and regulation for your body, I’ve got you!

I’ve created a 7-day spiritual guide of mindful techniques to help regulate your body, improve your sleep pattern, and empower you to wake up feeling energised!

I’d love you to download my Soulful Sleep Rituals where you'll receive tips, resources, and rituals to help you switch off, de-stress, wind down, and slow down so you can do more of what you're good at and feel your best!

For now, my friend, big love and be kind.


Healthy habits for better sleep and restoration.


Three simple yet IMPACTFUL ways to change how you feel...