The Beauty of Simple Self Care

What Does Self-Care Actually Look Like?

When I first started exploring self-care practices, I'll admit, I went a little overboard.

I had this idea that self-care meant indulging in elaborate rituals, splurging on expensive products, and dedicating hours of my day to complex routines. But as my journey progressed, I realised that the most profound acts of self-care are often the simplest ones.

I've learned that true self-care isn't about checking off boxes or following someone else's prescribed routine.

Self-care is not what social media presents us. This unrealistic idea of what we see online can often feel out of our reach, creating yet another reason to not feel ‘good enough’.

The Simplicity of Self-Care Moments

Simple Self Care is about tuning into my own needs, moment by moment, and responding with kindness and compassion. Sometimes, that means taking a few deep breaths when I feel overwhelmed. Other times, it's as simple as preparing a nourishing meal or stepping outside for a brief walk to clear my head.

The beauty of simple self-care lies in its accessibility

We don't need fancy equipment, expensive retreats, or hours of free time to care for ourselves. We just need to be present, to listen to our bodies and minds, and to respond with gentle, loving attention.

Finding Snippets of Simple Self-Care in the Pauses of Life

One of my favourite simple self-care practices is what I call "finding snippets." Instead of trying to carve out large chunks of time for self-care (which can be nearly impossible in our fast-paced world), I look for those little pockets of time throughout the day – the few minutes while waiting for the kettle to boil, the short walk between meetings, or the quiet moments before bed.

In those snippets, I might practice a few mindful breaths, stretch my body, or simply pause and appreciate the present moment. These small acts of self-care have a profound ripple effect, helping me to feel more grounded, centered, and resilient as I navigate the ups and downs of daily life.

Embracing Imperfection in Your Simple Self-Care Journey

Simplicity has also taught me to let go of perfectionism when it comes to self-care. I used to beat myself up if I missed a yoga class or forgot to meditate one day.

But now, I understand that self-care isn't about following a rigid routine or adhering to someone else's standards. It's about showing up for myself, imperfectly and wholeheartedly, in whatever way feels most nurturing in that moment.

Journal Prompts for Self-Care

As I continue on this journey, I'm continually reminded that the simplest acts of self-care are often the most powerful. It's the little things – a warm cup of tea, a few deep breaths, or a moment of mindful presence – that can profoundly shift our perspective and replenish our well-being.

If you're feeling inspired to embrace more simplicity in your self-care journey, I encourage you to explore these journal prompts:

  1. What is one simple activity or practice that makes you feel nourished and rejuvenated?

  2. How can you weave more "snippets" of self-care into your daily routine?

  3. Reflect on a time when you got caught up in the idea of "perfect" self-care. How did that make you feel? What would you do differently now?

Start small!

Remember, self-care doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming to be effective. The simplest acts of kindness and presence can profoundly impact our well-being.

So, start small, let go of perfectionism, and trust that even the tiniest self-care moments can create powerful shifts.

When Did Taking Care of Yourself Become So Hard To Do?

A common belief is that self-care is self-indulgent or selfish when it really isn't. Self-care simply means taking care of yourself as you would anyone you love. Imagine if you poured the same amount of love and positive energy into yourself that you did for everyone else.

The purpose of practicing self-care is so you can be the healthiest, fullest version of yourself.

7 Steps to Truly Stress-Free Self-Care

Self-care helps you achieve more of what you want to accomplish in your life and allows you to support others more without ending up feeling drained, or worse, burning out.

In my free guide, I share my 7 steps to truly stress-free self-care! You'll find practical guidance and mindful techniques to explore as you discover your unique blend of sustainable self-care. You can download this here.

And remember my love, simplicity is key when it comes to nurturing ourselves.

Big Love,

Becki x


Self-awareness is the foundation of your health and well-being.


The Power of Your Breath