Radical Rest: Normalising rest as a productive part of being

The Radical Rest Revolution is happening…

I get it. Life is crazy right now, work is hectic, and the struggle is real.

But there’s a movement happening.

In this blog, we will explore the concept of "Radical Rest" and its importance for overall well-being, moving beyond the superficial trends and social media illusions surrounding self-care practices.

Moving Beyond Trends and Social Media's Illusions

Self-care, sleep wellness and slow living are trending right now, I’m all for this except for one problem…

When this happens, social media presents us with an unrealistic idea of what they should look like. Things that are good for us can begin to feel out of reach, creating yet another reason to not feel ‘good enough’.

I’m an advocate for self-care as you know, but I’ve been sucked into a comparison cycle of self-doubt too many times thanks to what I see on Instagram.

Anti-Social Saturday

It’s why I introduced ‘Anti-Social Saturday’ to my week. I don’t post, I don’t open the app, I simply rest and stay present, blissfully unaware of what other people are doing.

I’m on a mission to make wellness accessible for us ‘normal people’ in a busy modern (and mad) world.

I want to keep things simple and be real .

I don’t want to document my every move and journal entry, adding a filter and making it all glossy.

I am not glossy, I am messy and complicated and I intend to be unapologetic about it!

Trends tend to come and go, they shift and change like the seasons, like ourselves. I’m aware that what works for me might not be for everyone else, and thats OK.

Self-care is a personal practice of protecting and sustaining your health, well-being and happiness.

If you have a desire to live a healthy, calm and fulfilling life, surely self-care is non-negotiable, right?

However, when life becomes about the hustle, and we’re juggling and surviving, it’s easy for self-care to move down the list. Or at best, become just a Sunday night trend.

Female sitting on a sandy bank. She is leaning on one hand and her head leaning in her other hand resting on her knee. She is wear a black and white spotty dress and a blue cardigan smiling up at the camera.

Radical Rest as Non-Negotiable

Rest and self-care are essential, they need to be consistent and grounding, like an anchor, but the practices we choose get to be personal and seasonal.

As much as other people can influence us there’s only one person you have any control over, and that my friend, is yourself.

When you take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally, life feels better. You feel healthier, you sleep better and you have better relationships with the people around you.

In the same way, you may go for a run, take a yoga class or have a long hot bath with a book, and your mind benefits too. The food you put in your body and the environment you choose for yourself, all impact your health, happiness and both your physical and emotional well being.

Well-being is multi-layered, like the most delicious piece of chocolate cake.

Why do we need to normalise rest?

Restoration is a conscious act of self-care and self-preservation, it allows your body to repair, re-balance, and restore anything that is feeling out of whack.

When I don’t take care of myself it’s like a sliding scale of presence and it goes a little like this…

I fall out of the habit with the things that help me feel good.

I struggle to switch off and often can’t sleep.

I’m not in the mood to do things, I’m tired, I’m frustrated.

I experience brain fog and confusion.

I have to concentrate harder for things to sink in.

I get scatty and forgetful.

My chest becomes tight and I feel breathless.

My tummy bloats and gets painful.

I stress-eat or miss meals completely.

I disconnect from friends and loved ones.

I get snappy.

Famously in my days as a shoe buyer, I took a 20-hour round trip to India after forgetting to renew my visa. I was marched off by the police to be interviewed before being ceremoniously escorted back to the plane to be flown back to the UK.

Needless to say, it was mortifying.

I’m usually super organised so when I lose something or get forgetful, I recognise it as a signal I’m at risk of burning myself out.

As a final kick up the bum, my body says, enough is enough, and I become unwell.

IBS, headaches, migraines and insomnia were nudges from my body that I needed to take better care of myself. The list above were signs along the way that I ignored and pushed through.

Rest means slowing down for long enough your body can naturally re-balance itself.

Rest means switching off the logical, analytical part of your brain and allowing some creative, intuitive thoughts to flow in.

Rest means closing some of those open tabs in your mind so you can focus.

Conscious forms of rest help you perform better and BE the best version of yourself.

7 Radical Ways to Incorporate Rest into Your Routine

1. Make time for body-mindful yoga to help release tension from your body, and clear your mind. (Physical rest)

2. Read a book by someone who inspires you (Mental rest)

3. Enjoy some secluded self-care and create a sanctuary of scents and soothing sounds (Emotional rest)

4. Step away from the TV and your phone 30-60 minutes before bed to reduce sensory stimulation (Sensory rest)

5. Say no to things that deplete you when you're body feeling worn out. It can be hard and FOMO is real but your body will thank you. (Social rest)

6. Book a workshop to explore a new activity like a candle-making, pottery or life drawing (Creative rest)

7. 5-10 minutes of conscious and mindful breathing is enough to feel like you’ve hit the reset button. (Spiritual rest)

Check out my blog Learning How Rest which covers the 7 types of rest you need to navigate modern life and avoid burnout.

The Ripple Effect of Radical Rest:

When I take time to regularly ground and nurture myself I feel calmer.

I’m connected to my body.

I find it easier to navigate my way through the day-to-day stresses.

I’m happier and more grateful.

I have more confidence and self-belief, so I trust in myself and my ideas more.

I sleep better and rest more.

My skin is clearer and my body feels stronger.

I’m more sociable and other people want to spend time with me because my energy is good.

I make better decisions without so much self-doubt.

My creativity feels supercharged and ideas flow to me.

I’m switched on and present so I perform better at what I’m focusing on.

How you choose to take care of yourself depends on what makes you feel good.

What helps you relax?

What energises and replenishes you?

Self-connection means you’re more aware of your energy levels and emotional and physical capacity day-to-day, month-to-month, and season-to-season (inner and outer).

If you know you’re going to be busy, planning time to rest in your diary will help you manage the stress in your body. Stress is supposed to be short-lived but for that to be a reality you need to give yourself a break.

Planning for Rest

Making Self-Care a Priority in Busy Schedules

Here are some prompts to help you explore where you might need to rest:

  1. What’s going on for you right now, family, work, your health?

  2. What activities and projects are you most absorbed in right now?

  3. What are the things keeping you most busy?

  4. How do these things make you feel?

  5. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

  6. How does your body feel at the end of the day?

  7. What does self-care look like for you right now?

Here’s an example:

If you’re busy with work deadlines, social gatherings, and the kids' football team, your body aches and you’re waking up exhausted even though you slept like a log and you’ve not been to yoga for weeks, chances are you need to focus on getting some social and sensory rest because these are the most prominent energy drainers in your life right now.

With so much going on in your world, and so many other people to think about, it’s no wonder taking care of yourself drops to the bottom of the list.

Putting things things off until next week or saying you’ll get round to it after x,y, or z is done, tends to lead to one thing… one wiped-out-emotionally-exhausted you.

Rest is productive

Radical Rest is about making self-care a non-negotiable priority in our lives, beyond the transient trends and curated illusions of social media. It is a conscious act of self-preservation, allowing our bodies and minds to repair, rebalance, and restore.

By incorporating intentional practices of physical, mental, emotional, sensory, social, creative, and spiritual rest into our routines, we can cultivate a profound sense of calm, gratitude, and self-confidence. When we nurture ourselves consistently, we experience improved sleep, clearer skin, stronger bodies, and supercharged creativity.

Most importantly, we become more present, make better decisions, and navigate life's stresses with greater ease.

Are you ready to connect to the power of your inner resources, my friend?

If you want to learn how to embrace your wobbles and cultivate a more mindful lifestyle, this is your permission slip to reconnect.  I invite you to join my online "Self-Connection" course. 

This is a 6-week journey of mindfulness, nervous system regulation, and somatic movement for self-care, better sleep, and mindful living.

We will be exploring the importance of emotional health and well-being through somatic movement, breath work, and the foundations of being fully aware of seasons, cycles and how this can impact our mental health.

I am so excited to be on this journey with you, you can learn more here.

Big love,

Becki x


Easing the Mind, Healing the Body.


Reconnecting with Your Body Through Mindfulness and Somatic Movement